Lecture on Blood Meridian

June 7, 2024
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Auditorio Julio Villazón Baquero in Valledupar, Colombia

Date Range
2024-06-07 08:00:00 2024-06-07 17:00:00 Lecture on Blood Meridian We are pleased to share that Nicolás Aguía Betancourt, PhD student, has been invited by Professor Nellys Montenegro and Professor Carmen Beatriz Araujo Quiroz, head of the Department of Modern Languages at the Universidad Popular del Cesar, to give a lecture on Cormac McCarty's novel Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West. This talk examines the nature of Evil in the novel and how the character of the Judge embodies a sacrificial religion of violence. He will be flying to Valledupar, Colombia, to present this research at the Julio Baquero Pinzón Auditorium on June 7 for the event organized by the university, Conversatorio: una Mirada a Meridiano de Sangre de Cormac McCarty. Auditorio Julio Villazón Baquero in Valledupar, Colombia Spanish & Portuguese spanport@osu.edu America/New_York public

We are pleased to share that Nicolás Aguía Betancourt, PhD student, has been invited by Professor Nellys Montenegro and Professor Carmen Beatriz Araujo Quiroz, head of the Department of Modern Languages at the Universidad Popular del Cesar, to give a lecture on Cormac McCarty's novel Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West. This talk examines the nature of Evil in the novel and how the character of the Judge embodies a sacrificial religion of violence. He will be flying to Valledupar, Colombia, to present this research at the Julio Baquero Pinzón Auditorium on June 7 for the event organized by the university, Conversatorio: una Mirada a Meridiano de Sangre de Cormac McCarty.