SPPO Department Resources

SPPO Department Resources


Departmental Committees and Administrative Positions for 2024-25

Administrative Positions

John Grinstead

Vice Chair & Director of Undergraduate Studies
Eugenia Romero

Director of Graduate Studies
Ana Del Sarto

Director of Language Studies
Holly Nibert

Constituted and Elected Committees

Departmental Council
Voting Members
All Tenure Track/Tenured Faculty (Columbus and regional campuses)
All A&P Personnel
All Professors of Teaching
Graduate Student Representative: Maria Vitoria de Rezende Grisi
Associated Faculty Representative: 

Advisory Committee
Elected Members
2023/24: Laura Podalsky, Catalina Iannone
Professor of Teaching Representative: Becca Mason-Vergote
Graduate Student Representative: Alfonso Roca
Associated Faculty Representative: 
Ex Officio: Christiana Whitesel

Appointed Committees

Awards Committee
Laura Podalsky, Chair
Isis Barra-Costa, Scott Schwenter and Elvia Andia Grágeda

Communications and Library Committee
Fernanda Díaz-Basteris, Chair
Javier Jasso, Catalina Iannone
Library Liaison: Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros
Graduate Representative: Maria Vitoria de Rezende Grisi
Ex Officio:

Graduate Studies Committee & Admissions Review
Ana Del Sarto, Chair
Pedro Pereira, Michelle Wibbelsman, Paloma Martínez-Cruz, Anna Babel
Graduate Student Representative: Rob Lassche
Ex-Officio: Rachel Sanabria

Language Studies Committee
Holly Nibert, Chair
Ulises Juan Zevallos, Stephanie Aubry, Elvia Andia Grágeda
Ex Officio: Megan Lobert, Debra Ponce, María Morado Vázquez, Christa Gould, Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques
Graduate Student Representative: Tara Hazel
Associated Faculty Representative:

Lectures and Events Committee & Colloquia Coordination
Eugenia Romero, Chair
Laura Stigliano & Ulises Juan Zevallos 

Outreach Committee
Paloma Martínez-Cruz, Chair
Javier Jasso, Ricardo Sosa & Fernanda Díaz-Basteris
Graduate Student Representative: Ileana Pérez
Ex-Officio: Stephanie Aubry

Research Committee
Michelle Wibbelsman, Chair
Scott Schwenter, Ulises Juan Zevallos, Lúcia Costigan

Undergraduate Studies Committee
Eugenia Romero, Chair
Laura Stigliano, Rebecca Haidt, Becca Mason-Vergote, Ignacio Corona, Holly Nibert
Undergraduate Student Representative: TBD
Ex Officio: Brooklee Boots & Rachel Sanabria

  • Assessment
    Becca Mason-Vergote, Coordinator
  • Graduation and Awards Ceremony Task Force
    John Grinstead, Chair
    Fernanda Díaz-Basteris & Michelle Wibbelsman
    Ex Officio: Elizabeth Wigal
  • Honors Coordinator/Advising
    Eugenia Romero (IB), Chair
    Ana del Sarto (LA) & Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza, Fall (HL)
  • Interdisciplinary Initiatives 
    Latinx Languages, Literatures and Cultures: Paloma Martínez-Cruz
    Andean & Amazonian Studies: Ulises Juan Zevallos
  • Recruitment Coordinator Ad Hoc Committee
    Eugenia Romero, Chair 
    Ricardo Sosa, Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques
  • Sigma Delta Pi - Advisor
     Leila Vieira
  • SPPO Club Advisor
    Ricardo Sosa

Other Assignments

Section Heads
Iberian Studies: Rebecca Haidt
Latin American: Laura Podalsky
Hispanic Linguistics: Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza
Portuguese: Pedro Pereira

Coordination Assignments:

PORT 1101, 1102, 1103: Ana Carolina dos Santos Marques
SPAN 3401: Anna Babel
SPAN 3403: Becca Mason-Vergote
SPAN 3404: Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza
SPAN 3450:  Laura Podalsky
Heritage Language Courses: Ricardo Sosa
LA GEs: Ulises Juan Zevallos
PO GE: n/a

Andean and Amazonian Collection Coordinator

Michelle Wibbelsman

SPPO Representative in ASC Senate
Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza, senator
Michelle Wibbelsman, Alternate senator   

SPPO Representative on University Senate

Graduate Student Officers 2024-25
Co-President (Literatures and Cultures): Rob Lassche
Co-President (Hispanic Linguistics): Ileana Pérez
Co-President (Lusophone Studies): Maria Vitoria de Rezende Grisi
Spanish Student Life Group Treasurer: Emma Schaefer
Portuguese Student Life Group Treasurer: Victoria Cataloni
SPPO Delegate to the Council of Graduate Students: Pedro Ortiz-Ramírez

International Students Committee: Nicolás Aguía Betancourt
Mentorship Coordinator: Ellie Kaiser

Symposia Organizer Committee:
Hispanic Linguistics/OSUCHiLL: Laura Trenta, Victoria Cataloni, Josmary Medina
OSUHALSS: Nathaniel McBride, Nik King, Maria de Vitoria Rezende Grisi

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Document provides a brief description of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, as well as a description of its policies and procedures.

Document which outlines criteria and procedures for faculty appointments, promotion, tenure, and rewards, including salary increases for the Department of Spanish & Portuguese. 

Important Dates for P&T Timeline 


Spring 2025

Unless noted differently, all scheduled meetings are held on Monday afternoons between 2:20-5:00pm. 

Administrative Resources & Forms



  • To purchase goods and services, hire an independent contractor, use the departmental procurement card (pcard), or pay an honorarium, please contact the Fiscal Associate. 

Use the following forms to make updates to the website.  

 Online form for submitting reasoning/substitute arrangements for TLC Absence.

Forms to be submitted to express teaching and service preferences for the upcoming term. 

The Department of Spanish & Portuguese (SPPO) seeks to recognize outstanding commitment to Second Language Teaching and Learning by one full-time Associated Faculty member of Spanish and/or Portuguese. 

Technology & Instructional Support

CarmenCanvas guides

CarmenCanvas provides a set of integrated web course tools that can be used to supplement a class taught mostly face-to-face or can be used to teach an online course. While Carmen is the overall system, the application at the core is called Canvas. Canvas can be accessed via the web or mobile app.

IT Help and Support
Ask a question or request assistance from the University IT Service Desk; order services and software from the OTDI Service Catalog

ASCTech Help 
Request support from the Arts & Sciences Technology staff

Microsoft 365

Access email, store and share files, communicate with your coworkers or students, schedule meetings, track your to-do lists and more by integrating applications and downloading them on up to five devices.

Identity and Access Management

My.osu.edu lets you manage your Ohio State digital identity: username, password, email delivery and more.

Classroom Services

They provide on-demand support services to our classrooms at no cost, including:

Disability Services

At Disability Services, we collaborate with the university community to create accessible educational environments for students with disabilities. We know that you as a faculty or staff member play such a critical role in this work. We are committed to partnering with you in both promoting inclusive course design and implementing effective accommodations.

Graduate School Handbook

The Graduate School Handbook contains the rules, policies, and guidelines applicable to the graduate community at The Ohio State University.

Graduate Assessment: Oral Evaluations for the Integrated M.A./Ph.D. Program for Spanish and Portuguese
Form for the three oral evaluation events in the Integrated M.A./Ph.D. Program for Spanish and Portuguese: the Research/M.A. paper presentation at the end of the second year, the oral portion of the candidacy exam, and the oral portion of the dissertation exam.

Graduate Assessment: Research Paper/Dissertation Evaluation for the Integrated M.A./Ph.D. Program for Spanish and Portuguese
Form for the two written evaluation events in the Integrated M.A./Ph.D. Program for Spanish and Portuguese: the Research/M.A. paper at the end of the second year and the dissertation.

Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning 

The overall purpose of the institute is to integrate and enhance teaching and learning efforts at Ohio State, and to elevate such work to the institutional level. The institute both coordinates and leads current and new activities focused on improving the learning experience for our students and positions the university for national leadership in teaching and learning within a research university setting.

University Registrar Frequently Used Forms

Forms for grade changes, course adds, course drops, etc.

Faculty Center

The Faculty Center provides instructors with access to the Class Roster, Grade Roster, and the Schedule of Classes.