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Graduate Career Development & Success

Graduate students in the world languages are well positioned to pursue a variety of career paths. While many of our alumni have built thriving careers in education, others have found success in technology, health care, and financial services, among other fields. 

Through research, teaching, and service roles within the department and across the institution, graduate students develop transferable skills — such as project management, data analysis, and leadership — that organizations and companies value. Additionally, Ohio State offers career coaching, career development resources, and networking events to guide students as they work toward their professional goals.

Spanish or Portuguese Internship Credit 5191

Finding an Internship 
Students seeking internships to meet the requirements for Spanish or Portuguese 5191 credit are encouraged to visit the ASC Center for Career and Professional Success for guidance.  The Center provides various internship and job resources, including The Ohio State University’s online career network and database Handshake, as well as resume and cover letter review.

Receiving Academic Credit in Spanish or Portuguese
Our Department offers students the opportunity to receive academic credit for internship experiences related to studies in Spanish and Portuguese. Students are required to complete and submit the Internship Enrollment Application by the posted deadline.  Once approved by the Graduate Studies Committee, all signatures must be completed by the first Friday of the semester in which they are completing the internship. The following details how to apply for credit, enrollment requirements, and lists upcoming application deadlines.

Students wishing to receive Spanish or Portuguese 5191 internship credit must submit the completed Internship Enrollment Request and Supervisor Agreement by the following deadlines:

  • Autumn Semester: August 1st
  • Spring Semester: December 1st 
  • Summer Term: April 1st

If your proposed internship is approved by the Graduate Studies Committee, then all signatures must be received by the first Friday of the semester in which you are completing the internship. No applications will be accepted or considered after the deadline.

The Ohio State University does not permit deferred internship credit. Students must enroll in Spanish or Portuguese 5191 while interning. Credit is not available for internships that are already complete. There are no exceptions to this University policy.

Students can apply for 1-6 credits per internship experience. Spanish or Portuguese 5191 is repeatable up to 12 credits total. Each credit requires 40 hours of on-site work during the semester:

Credit hours and work expectations: This is a variable credit hour course:

  • 1cr = 40 total clock hours at the internship (~ 3 on-site hours/week)
  • 2cr = 80 total clock hours at the internship (~5-6 on-site hours/week) 
  • 3cr = 120 total clock hours at the internship (a~8-9 on-site hours/week) 
  • 4cr = 160 total clock hours at the internship (~10-11 on-site hours/week) 
  • 5cr = 200 total clock hours at the internship (~13-14 on-site hours/week)
  • 6cr = 240 total clock hours at the internship (~16 on-site hours/week)

To maintain academic integrity, all students seeking Spanish or Portuguese 5191 internship credit must meet or exceed the following criteria:

  1. Intern must be in good academic standing with the University;
  2. Intern must be a regularly enrolled, degree-seeking student at The Ohio State University;
  3. The internship work will occur during the semester in which you are applying for credit. Credit is NOT given to internships that are already finished. Deferred credit is NOT available, as the practice is against OSU policy;
  4. Enrollment in 5191 will not exceed the intern's registration limit of 18 credit hours. Students will be required to reduce desired internship credits, drop a class, or petition to increase your semester credit allowance prior to applying for credit for your internship;
  5. The internship job responsibilities are related to the study of language, literature and culture in Spanish or Portuguese and reflect work at the corresponding academic level; 
  6. Involvement in student organization activities or part-time jobs (e.g. retails sales, amusement park work, etc.) cannot count as internships, as they are not internships;
  7. The intern will have a supervisor who is a professional staff member of the work organization. The supervisor cannot be a student at OSU or another university. The supervisor cannot be related to you;
  8. Internships where the student serves as an independent contractor or in similar capacities are not eligible for credit.

Approval/denial of any internship application is at the discretion of the Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese.