Spanish for Heritage Learners

Welcome to the Spanish Heritage Program 


Colorful Art Festival Painting

Who is a Heritage Language Learner?

A heritage language learner is an individual who has grown up speaking, listening, reading and/or writing Spanish with family or in their community. Heritage language learners possess different abilities and levels of proficiency, so we offer three levels to meet the needs of each student: SPAN 1113 (beginner), SPAN 2213 (intermediate), and SPAN 3413 (advanced). Each level builds upon the skills that learners bring with them and continues to expand their knowledge of Spanish in different contexts, genres and with different audiences to further develop students’ communicative skills. 


Heritage Language Courses 

  • Develop academic, professional and creative writing skills 
  • Practice formal and informal speaking skills 
  • Increase knowledge and use of grammatical structures and achieve communicative competence of Spanish in various contexts 
  • Build a close-knit community with other Latine/Hispanic students and learn about the Spanish-speaking community in Ohio 
  • Gain a greater understanding of the conditions and contributions of the Latinx/Hispanic population in the U.S. 
  • Reinforce and validate the home language and culture of the heritage learner 

What are the advantages of taking these courses? 

If you successfully complete SPAN 1113, you meet all the (foreign) language requirements. However, by taking SPAN 2213 and 3413 you can achieve a higher level of proficiency in all areas (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). Although you do not have to declare a minor or major in Spanish to take these courses, taking them can lead you in this direction. For example, SPAN 3413 counts towards your minor or major. Additionally, SPAN 2213 and 3413 count towards a minor in Latina/o studies. 


Read more: See what other students are saying.         Read more: About the program


Please contact Ricardo Sosa for more information. 

Hear From Our Heritage Students

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