Course Descriptions and Pre-Requisites
Complete course descriptions and pre-requisites are listed in the official OSU Course Catalog. Students may also search specific term Spanish offerings through the Registrar's Schedule of Classes. A minimum grade of “C-” is required in all courses comprising the major/minor.
Undergraduate Language Program Enrollment
The goal of courses in the general education program is to develop your skills in communication across ethnic, cultural, ideological, and national boundaries and help you develop an appreciation of other cultures and patterns of thought. Course work or proficiency through the third language course (1103) or equivalent is required. Students wishing to enroll in Spanish, Portuguese, or Quechua courses have several pathways for appropriate placement.
Spanish 1101 > 1102 > 1103 or 1113 OR | Spanish 1155 > 1103 or 1113 |
Portuguese 1101 > 1102 > 1103 OR | Portuguese for Spanish Speakers 5501 > 5502 |
Quechua 5501.01 > 5502.01 > 5503.01 |
Students with previous experience with the languages listed above may be able to begin at a more advanced level through Departmental Placement, Testing and Transfer Credit options.
Audit Policy for 1101, 1102, 1155, 1103, 2202
In order to learn/review a language, daily attendance and preparation for class are required. It is very difficult to involve students in group practices when they only attend class intermittently and/or do not prepare for the activities. For this reason, students are expected to elect courses for credit. Occasionally, however, a student may wish to attend a course but not elect it for credit. This arrangement can take the form of an official audit.
An official audit obligates a student to attend classes regularly and complete course requirements (e.g., homework, daily in-class participation, quizzes, and exams). Regular tuition fees apply, and the course appears on the transcript with the grade R (Audit). No degree credit is earned. Students auditing a class are not eligible to earn EM Credit by examination for that class. To arrange an official audit, a student must request the permission of the instructor, the permission of the SPPO Language Program Direction team, and the permission of the college (through the student’s academic advisor). If approved, students who audit must complete the majority of the assignments, which includes attending class and receiving at least a 70% for the course. A request to officially audit a course must be approved by the end of the third week of a full term or by the end of the second week of a half-term. If you have any additional questions, please contact Megan Lobert.
I understand that authorization to attend this course is dependent upon the following:
- Permission from the section instructor.
- Permission from the SPPO Language Program Direction team.
- Permission from your college academic advisor.
- Sufficient space is available in the section’s assigned classroom as per standard enrollment requirements and classroom fire codes.
- The online registration period for undergraduate students has ended.
- This means that enrollment for auditing can occur at the start of Week 2 of the requested semester.
- Note: After receiving instructor permission, and if this occurs during Week 1 or prior, students who wish to audit should plan to attend class immediately, in order to keep up with course content until official enrollment in the class section can occur.
If you believe you will not be able to fulfill the requirements of an audit, an alternative is to come to the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for individual help or attend the Conversation Tables.
Program 60 Policy for SPAN 1101, 1102, 1155, 1103, 2202
Program 60 students who want to start in the basic language program (i.e., SPAN 1101, 1102, 1155, 1103 and 2202) should first take the MultiCAT placement test. Please note that a Program 60 student with less than one year of language study or that has had a long hiatus since their last Spanish course may enroll directly into SPAN 1101. Enrollment in basic Spanish-language courses is not permitted after the second Friday of the term during the autumn and spring semesters and after the first Friday in the summer session.
Program 60 students must abide by all course policies including but not limited to attendance, active class participation and completion of course assignments. In the event that a Program 60 student is unable to earn a passing grade in a language course, they may retake the course once. Students enrolled in coursework through Program 60 are not eligible to earn credit.
For additional information please consult the list of contacts below:
- Program 60: To learn more about how to participate in Program 60 or to add your information to the Program 60 mailing list, visit the Program 60 website and/or call call (614) 292-8860.
- The Center for Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CLLC): For more information about the MultiCAT placement test, please visit the CLLC websiteand/or call (614) 292-4361.
- The Spanish Language Program: For information specific to SPAN 1101-2202 courses such as obtaining a copy of course syllabi, course policy inquiries, etc.,please contact Megan Lobert at
Spanish & Portuguese Major/Minor Advising
- Declare a SPPO Major or Minor program
- 4 Year Academic Plan Worksheet
- Plan courses toward a major in Spanish or design an SPPO Double Major Pathway
- Complete the Application for Graduation
- Discuss pre-approved study abroad programming through SPPO / OIA
- Understand University policies and procedures
For Spanish & Portuguese inquiries related to General Education (GE), testing, placement and enrollment (1101, 1102, 1103/1113, or 2202/2213) please visit the Language Placement, Testing, and Transfer Credit page.
Information on Honors requirements for Spanish Honors Majors can be found on our Spanish Major Program information page.
Additionally, Honors students have two different advisors: Arts and Sciences Honors Advisors and Departmental Honors Advisors.
Departmental Honors Advisors
Your departmental honors advisor is knowledgeable in your area of study.
- This advisor will be a department faculty member who advises, teaches, and fulfills research duties, or, in some cases, a full-time professional advisor. You should consult your departmental honors advisor on issues related specifically to your major.
- If you have questions or concerns specifically about your major or minor, please contact the departmental honors advisor for the relevant department. To make an appointment with a departmental honors advisor, please call or e-mail that advisor.
Additional information about the Honors Program can be found on the OSU College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program website.
Students majoring in Spanish or Portuguese follow the Bachelor of Arts general education requirements. However, students pursuing a double major pathway may need to follow the Bachelor of Science requirements. If you are not sure which curriculum you are following, ask your advisor.
Need help understanding GE and program requirements?
- Contact your academic advisor for assistance. Run your degree audit prior to your advising appointment to review with your advisor. You degree audit report will help you understand your course requirements and how to plan your degree.
Access Your Degree Audit Report in BuckeyeLink

Brooklee Boots
SPPO Major & Minor Advisor
Office Hours
M-F: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Office Location
355 Hagerty Hall
Graduate Advising Assistants
The Graduate Advising Assistants (GAA) Program is designed to raise awareness among OSU undergraduates of the value of majoring or minoring in Spanish and Portuguese.
Undergrad students are encouraged to contact GAAs with questions about university resources related to a Spanish & Portuguese minor-to-major transition, general questions about designing 4-yr double major pathways, and to explore pre-approved study abroad opportunities. Students of any class-standing can meet with a GAA during hours listed below.
Name/Office Hour Info | ![]() Emma Schaefer | ![]() Ellie Kaiser | ![]() Rob Lassche | ![]() Camila Bracamonte | ||||||||
Please contact your academic advisor if you are considering changing your programs of study. Their information can be found in your Student Center on Buckeyelink.
You can also schedule an appointment with an Arts and Sciences academic advisor by calling (614) 292-6961 or by emailing
Major Requirements
Your major program must consist of at least 30 semester hours of credit in courses numbered 2000 or above as prescribed by your major advisor. Please note that many major programs require considerably more than 30 hours of credit.
You must earn at least a C- in a course in order for it to be listed on your major. However, you must receive a 2.0 cumulative GPA for all major course work. If you earn a D+, D, or an E in a course that is required for your major, the course cannot be counted toward the major. Your major advisor will decide if the course should be repeated or if another course should be substituted. Courses taken on a pass/non-pass basis cannot be used on the major.
Your major advisor must approve all courses comprising your major. If you change from one major or curriculum to another, consult with an Arts and Sciences advisor. Such changes may result in modifying requirements to such an extent that your date of graduation might be delayed.
At least one-half of the credit hours in the major must be credit from completed Ohio State course work. Note: AP/IB/EM credit and transfer credit from other institutions are not considered to be “Ohio State course work.”
If you are pursuing multiple majors, course work may overlap between the majors, provided that each major department allows such overlap and that each major has at least 18 unique (non-overlapping) semester hours. Similarly, if you are planning multiple majors, there may be overlap between major course work and the GE—again, with permission of the major department and at least 18 unique non-overlapping semester hours on the major.
Minor Requirements
For information about minor requirements, please speak with your advisor.
A transfer student is one who has completed undergraduate coursework at an accredited university or college other than Ohio State (international or domestic), and who has transferred to an OSU degree program.
To initiate the transfer process, send your Official Transcripts to the OSU Transfer Credit Center, Office of the University Registrar.
Additional information specific to transfer credit related to the Department of Spanish and Portuguese can be found on our Language Placement, Testing, and Transfer Credit page.
NOTE: It is the student's responsibility to provide all required and requested information to facilitate the transfer credit evaluation process. Transfer credit requests will remain pending until all required or requested information and documentation has been provided.
There are many ways to study or travel abroad as a student at Ohio State, and understanding your different options will help you choose the option that meets your needs. OSU offers:
- University Approved Programs (including Ohio State Faculty-Led Programs, Third Party Provider Programs, Direct Enroll Programs, International Exchange Programs)
- University Managed Programs
- Independent Education Abroad
- Service Learning and Volunteer
- Research and Conference Travel
- Internship or Work Abroad
- Student Organization Travel.
Getting Started Sessions
It is strongly recommended that students interested in education abroad being by attending a Getting Started session.
Program information sessions and other education abroad events are listed on the Office of International Affairs Events Calendar.
Searching Education Abroad Programs
You can search for various OSU Education Abroad Opportunities on the Education Abroad Program Search page.
SPPO-Related Study Abroad Programs
To check out SPPO-related education abroad programs, visit our Education Abroad page.
OSU Office of International Affairs
The OSU Office of International Affairs website has many great resources to get you started on your Education Abroad adventure. We encourage you to reference their website for additional tips, guidance, and resources.
Students choose a second major or dual (or second) degree for a variety of reasons: personal interest in the subject matter, development of knowledge and skills required for further education or for a career, or preparation for graduate or professional school. Talk to your assigned advisors about the feasibility of pursuing a second major or dual/second degree and to discuss specific requirements.
Options for Multiple Majors
Students pursuing two majors should consider early on whether they wish to complete a single degree with two majors or two degrees.
Single Degree with Two Majors
A single degree with two majors leads to a single diploma, though both majors are noted on the student’s record and transcript.
- You must meet the requirements for each major as set by the departments offering the majors.
- Each major must contain at least 18 semester hours not contained in the other.
- Overlap with the GE or GEC may be permitted where appropriate. Consult your academic advisors for more information.
- You must complete at least 121 credit hours to earn a single degree with two majors.
- You must complete at least 39 upper-division hours.
Two Degrees
Pursuit of two degrees leads to the award of two diplomas. The degrees will be designated separately on the student’s record and transcript.
- You must meet the requirements for each major as set by the departments offering the majors.
- You cannot overlap courses from either major.
- You must earn a minimum of 30 semester hours beyond the total required for one degree (i.e., you must earn at least 151 hours).
- You must complete at least 57 upper-division hours.
- You must fulfill all degree requirements for both degrees.
- Overlap between either major and the GE or GEC is not permitted, unless specifically allowed by a particular GE or GEC category.
- An approved petition is required to graduate with two degrees.