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Language Placement, Testing, & Transfer Credit

Language Placement, Testing, and Transfer Credit

Students wishing to enroll in Spanish or Portuguese courses have several pathways for appropriate placement. This page provides information on departmental exams, nationally recognized academic programming and testing measures, as well as transfer credit. 

The Department offers a Graduate Reading Proficiency Exam in Spanish or Portuguese for OSU graduate students wishing to demonstrate reading language proficiency in their area of specialization. The Spanish exam is designed for students not enrolled in the Spanish graduate program of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. 

Ohio Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) Recognition at Ohio State

Beginning Fall 2024, the Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CLLC) at Ohio State will recognize students who have attained the Ohio Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) in high school. Incoming students will be validated for the GE level language sequence (1101-1103) and will not take the language placement test. Students who receive the Ohio SoBL for Spanish will also receive 3 credits for Spanish 2202, and will enroll in Spanish 3401 and/or 3403/3413, and/or 3404.

Incoming AU24 students with the SoBL should send their certificate (pdf format) to cllc@osu.edu for verification, as the waiver placement system is not yet solidified in the Registrar’s office. 

Note: Students with a SoBL from any other U.S. state may qualify for a waiver. The criteria must satisfy the rigorous requirements established by the Ohio Board of Education for the Ohio SoBL.

AP, IB, CLEP, Dual Enrollment, and Transfer Credit

The Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs are approved for Spanish 1101-1103 Validation and Spanish 2202 EM credit. Students who desire to earn course-level validation of language proficiency through Advanced Placement or IB must have their official score reports sent to the Registrar's Admissions Office. See the Registrar's Prior Learning Assessments site for more information.

AP Score Credit 

  • Score of 3 receives 8 credit hours (Spanish 1101 and 1102) = Enrollment in Spanish 1103
  • Score of 4 or 5 receives 15 credit hours (Spanish 1101, 1102, 1103 and 2202) = Enrollment in Spanish 3401, 3403/3413, and/or 3404

IB (High Level or HL) Score Credit 

  • Spanish A: Language & Literature score of 5 receives 8 credit hours (Spanish 1101 & 1102) = Enrollment in Spanish 1103/1113
  • Spanish A: Literature and Culture OR Spanish A: Literature OR Spanish B score of 6 or 7 receives 12 credit hours (Spanish 1101, 1102, and 1103) = Enrollment in Spanish 2202/2213
  • IB Standard Level scores not accepted for credit.

Visit the Prior Learning Assessment webpages at the University Registrar for more information about AP and IB Tests, scores, and credit awarded

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests are computer based tests administered in the Office of Testing at Ohio State University. For information about registration, fees, and credit posting, visit the Prior Learning Assessment webpages at the University Registrar - CLEP.

CLEP Exam Level Credit

  • Score of 56-62, Level 1, receives 8 credit hours (Spanish 1101 and 1102) = Enrollment in Spanish 1103
  • Score of 63-67, Level 2, receives 12 credit hours (Spanish 1101, 1102, and 1103) = Enrollment in Spanish 2202
  • Score of 68+, Level 3, receives 15 credit hours (Spanish 1101, 1102, 1103, and 2202) = Enrollment in Spanish 3401, 3403 and/or 3404

A transfer student is one who has completed undergraduate coursework at an accredited university or college other than Ohio State (international or domestic), and who has transferred to an OSU degree program.

  • To initiate the process, send your Official Transcripts to the OSU Transfer Credit Center, Office of the University Registrar
  • Transfer credit is course credit granted by coordinators in the Transfer Credit Center, Office of the University Registrar. Transfer credit for specific courses may be assigned automatically by Registrar-level credit coordinators upon admission, as many equivalent courses have already been articulated.
  • Students may also receive general/unspecified transfer credit for completed courses. In these cases: 
    • Students contact Rachel Sanabria, Transfer Credit Coordinator, to request credit evaluation
    • Use your OSU email, and provide your OSU Student ID# and University / College (including specific campus location)
    • A syllabus may be requested for which general or specific transfer credit has been granted (electronic versions are fine.) In this situation, course descriptions from course offerings catalogues are not sufficient. Where syllabi are not available, textbooks, notes and papers from relevant courses may be used for the evaluation.
  • For further information, contact the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at (614) 292-4958.

NOTE: It is the student's responsibility to provide all required and requested information to facilitate the transfer credit evaluation process. Transfer credit requests will remain pending until all required or requested information and documentation has been provided.

MultiCAT Eligibility & Placement

Spanish placement testing on the MultiCAT platform is available remotely during incoming student orientations and from 9:00am–3:00pm, Monday–Friday when classes are in session. To take a MultiCat placement test, carefully read these instructions.

*We do not currently provide a MultiCAT for Portuguese. For information about placement into Portuguese 1101, 1102, or 1103, please contact Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques.

Questions regarding the Spanish MultiCAT placement exam? Visit the CLLC Language Placement Testing site.

  • The Spanish Multimedia Computer Adaptive Test (MultiCAT) is a computerized placement test usually taken during freshman orientation.  
  • Students are placed into SPAN 1101 - 2202 depending on years of high school Spanish study and the MultiCAT score*.
  • Students who have earned college Spanish credit (through Dual Enrollment/CCP, AP, IB, SoBL, Transfer Credit etc.) are not eligible to take this exam.
  • Students who have studied less than 1 year of high school Spanish are not required to take this exam.
  • This exam may be taken only once.
  • Those who self-identify as Native or Heritage Speakers of Spanish may take the Spanish Heritage Learner (SHL) Placement Exam.

Who must take the MultiCAT placement test?

All students who have studied Spanish for 1 year or more in middle or high school, and who do not have any previous Spanish credit at The Ohio State University or another university/college, must take the MultiCAT (Multimedia Computer Adaptive Test). See information on the Spanish Heritage Learner (SHL) Placement Exam if you self-identify as a Native or Spanish Heritage speaker.

Who is not required to take the MultiCAT?

  • Students who have been out of high school for over five years and who have had no practice with Spanish in the meantime. These students may enroll in Spanish 1101.
  • Students who have less than 1 year of high school Spanish.
  • Students who identify as Native or Heritage Speakers and who elect to take the Spanish Heritage Learner (SHL) Placement Exam.

Who is ineligible to take the MultiCAT?

  • Students who have already taken the MultiCAT. 
  • Transfer students who took Spanish courses at another university. 
  • Students who have credit for a previous Spanish course at OSU. These students should enroll in the next course in the sequence.
    • Students who have had a long hiatus since their previous Spanish course may elect to repeat the previous course (with the understanding that credit for the same course cannot count twice for graduation hours). Please contact Megan Lobert for approval. 

*We do not currently provide a MultiCAT for Portuguese. For information about placement into Portuguese 1101, 1102, or 1103, please contact Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques.

Placement in a Spanish course is based on the number of years of High School Spanish study and the MultiCAT score. If you do not remember your MultiCAT score, contact the Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures

*We do not currently provide a MultiCAT for Portuguese. For information about placement into Portuguese 1101, 1102, or 1103, please contact Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques.

1-2 Years of High School Study

  • A score between 0 - 20.5 places into Spanish 1101
  • A score between 20.6 - 25.5 places into Spanish 1102
  • A score between 25.6 - 29.5 places into Spanish 1103
  • A score between 29.6 - 32+  places into Spanish 2202

3+ Years of High School Study

  • A score between 0 - 20.5 places into Spanish 1155
  • A score between 20.6 - 25.5 places into Spanish 1102
  • A score between 25.6 - 29.5 places into Spanish 1103
  • A score between 29.6 - 32+ places into Spanish 2202

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese follows the MultiCAT placement scale strictly for placing students. However, if you believe that you have been placed incorrectly or have a placement question, please contact Debra Ponce. 

Spanish Heritage Learner (SHL) Placement

Native-speakers and those who self-identify as Heritage Speakers take the Spanish Heritage Learner (SHL) Placement Exam. In the state of Ohio, heritage learner is defined as someone who grew up speaking Spanish in the home/community but graduated from a high school in the U.S. The Spanish Heritage Learner (SHL) exam is a computerized placement test usually taken during freshman orientation. More information about this exam can be found on the AVANT website. Spanish-speaking students:

  • Are placed into SPAN 1155, SPAN 1113/1103, SPAN 2213/2202 or SPAN 3413/3403
  • Who have earned Spanish credit (through Dual Enrollment/CCP, IB, AP, SoBL, Transfer Credit, etc.) or currently enrolled in a Spanish course are not eligible to take this exam.
  • May only take the exam once.

To take the exam, contact the CLLC at cllc@osu.edu. If you have questions, contact the Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures or visit Language Placement Testing for complete information.

Placement in a Spanish course is based on the SHL score. If you do not remember your SHL score, contact the Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CLLC).

  • Level 1: take the MultiCAT or schedule SPAN 1155
  • Level 2-3: SPAN 1113 / 1103
  • Level 4-5: SPAN 2213 / 2202
  • Level 6-7: SPAN 3413/ 3403 (or SPAN 3401 and/or 3404)

Our Department follows the SHL placement scale for placing students. However, if you believe that you have been placed too low or too high or have a placement question, please contact Debra Ponce.

Departmental Validation Exams

Individual course Validation Exams serve students who want to improve their placement level after posting of other placement measures into Spanish 1101, 1102, 1155 or 1103 or Portuguese 1101, 1102, or 1103. 

  • A student is only eligible to register for their placed testing level. For example, a student currently placed into SPAN 1102 may only register for SPAN 1102 Validation Exam. 
  • A Testing Coordinator will provide permission via OSU email to those students scoring an 80% or better to enroll in the next course. 
  • Students do not receive posted credit hours on their academic record thru completion of a Validation Exam
  • Exam scores are not rounded up/down, and the exam cannot be repeated for that level.
  • Once the exam is open, the timer cannot be paused, and the exam will automatically submit to Carmen after two hours.

Students who want to sit for course Validation Exams must pre-register. The last day to register is 3 pm on Monday of Week 2 in the autumn and spring semesters. Once a student is approved and registered for an exam, they can complete it during any two-hour window prior to the final deadline of 11:59 pm on Tuesday of Week 2. For questions about Spanish Validation Exams, including SLDS accommodations, email sppotest@osu.edu

Students wishing to schedule a Validation Exam for Portuguese 1101, 1102, or 1103, should contact Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques. The last day to register is on Thursday of Week 2 in the autumn and spring semesters. Once registered for an exam, students can complete it during any two-hour window of their selected day. For questions about Portuguese Validation Exams, including SLDS accommodations, email Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques

Validation Exams are taken after a student has received a placement and/or after transfer credit has been posted. Students may take a departmental Validation Exam for SPAN 1101, 1102, 1155, and 1103 or PORT 1101, 1102, or 1103.

A student is ineligible to sit for a Spanish or Portuguese Validation Exam if they have received:

  • a withdrawal (W) at OSU for the course;
  • any grade or a failing (E) grade for the course. 
  • credit through other prior testing or course completion measures (Dual Enrollment/CCP, AP, IB, SoBL, Transfer Credit, etc.)

A student may not repeat a Validation Exam for any reason. If you have any doubts or questions about your eligibility to sit for a Spanish Validation Exam, contact sppotest@osu.edu. For Portuguese, please contact Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques.

The Validation Exams are administered remotely through Carmen and use Honorlock, an Ohio State approved online proctoring software. All Validation Exams include the following six sections:

  • Listening comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Culture
  • Reading comprehension
  • Writing

The content included in each test is related to the specific chapters covered in the course levels’ textbook. Each course-level is designed using the following textbooks and chapters:

  • SPAN 1101: Chapters 1-4 (¡Arriba!, 7th edition) 
  • SPAN 1102: Chapters 5-8 (¡Arriba!, 7th edition)
  • SPAN 1155: Chapters 1-8 (¡Arriba!, 7th edition)
  • SPAN 1103: Chapters 9-12 (¡Arriba!, 7th edition)

The content included in each test is related to the specific chapters covered in the course levels’ textbook. Each course-level is designed using the following textbooks and chapters:

  • PORT 1101: Chapters Preliminary-3 (Ponto de Encontro, 2nd edition) 
  • PORT 1102: Chapters 4-8 (Ponto de Encontro, 2nd edition)
  • PORT 1103: Chapters 9-12 (Ponto de Encontro, 2nd edition)

As part of the registration process, students will select a day to take the exam that works for their schedule. It is important to note that a student is not officially registered for a Spanish or Portuguese Validation Exam until they receive a confirmation from the testing coordinator(s). An email confirming (or denying) a student’s registration request will be sent only to OSU email accounts. 

Once the Validation Exam is opened, the timer cannot be paused and the exam will automatically submit to Carmen after two hours.

Register for a Spanish Validation Exam
The Department administers Spanish Validation Exams at the beginning of the autumn and spring semesters. Specifically, the exams are available from the first official day of classes in Week 1 through 11:59 pm on Tuesday of Week 2. A student who wants to take a Spanish Validation Exam must register by submitting the registration form
Once officially registered, a student will be granted access to the exam on Carmen starting at 12:00 am on the scheduled exam date. The exam will close by 11:59 pm on Tuesday of Week 2 of the semester. 

Register for a Portuguese Validation Exam
Students wishing to schedule a Validation Exam for Portuguese 1101, 1102, or 1103, should contact Ana Carolina Dos Santos Marques. The Department administers Portuguese Validation Exams at the beginning of the autumn and spring semesters. Specifically, the exams are available from the first official day of classes in Week 1 through 11:59 pm on Thursday of Week 2. 

Validation Exams are administered and proctored online via Carmen, therefore, it is essential to have access to laptop/computer with a webcam, microphone, and strong internet connection. In addition, students are required to download and install the remote proctoring software, Honorlock. Any concerns about access to the necessary equipment and/or about Honorlock, should be emailed to sppotest@osu.edu

Prohibited Materials

Lastly, on the day of the exam, a student may not use any external resources which include but are not limited to…

  • (online) dictionaries/translators
  • books
  • notes
  • cellphones
  • laptops
  • tablets
  • smart watches
  • search engines
  • online forums
  • other people
  • scratch paper (a Whiteboard feature will be provided during the exam that can be used as scratch paper)

These items are strictly prohibited during all testing sessions. Any suspicion of Academic Misconduct will be reported to the university’s Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) for further investigation. 

Students must achieve a minimum score of 80% on the exam in order to receive permission to enroll in the next course in the sequence. For example, if a student were to score 87% on the SPAN 1101 Validation Exam, they would receive permission to enroll in an open section of SPAN 1102. If a student were to earn less than 80% on the exam, they would be required to enroll in SPAN 1101. 

Students will be informed of the results via email within two business days from the submission of their exam. If a student earns an 80% or higher, the Spanish testing coordinator(s) will email the student permission for their adviser to enroll them in the next course in the sequence. Students do not receive posted credit hours on their academic record thru completion of a Validation Exam.

Examination Mark (EM) Test for Spanish 2202

Credit by Exam is a university-wide program that allows currently enrolled undergraduates at Ohio State to earn credit toward graduation upon successful completion of specific content-based exams. The Department offers the Examination Mark (EM) test for SPAN 2202. 

  • An exam that gives students an additional opportunity to improve their MultiCAT placement.
  • A student is eligible to take an EM test only for the level for which they are currently placed.
  • The SPAN 2202 EM test may be taken only once. No exceptions.
  • A minimum score of 80% is required to earn EM credit.
  • The registration form must be submitted by the deadline established in the "Testing Schedule" section.  
  • EM credit does not affect a student's GPA.
  • Administrative fee: $70 (Please see “Registration and Fee” below)

Disability Services and Testing Accommodations 

Students registered with the Office of Student Life Disability Services (SLDS) should contact Maria Morado Vazquez as soon as possible to discuss accommodations for the SPAN 2202 EM exam. 

Non-native and Heritage Spanish-speaking students may seek EM credit by exam for SPAN 2202 after receiving a placement score or when their transfer credit has been posted / validated through SPAN 1103. A score of 80% or higher is required to earn EM credit for SPAN 2202, then students may register for the next level course. 

A student is ineligible to sit for the SPAN 2202 EM test if they have...

  • received transfer credit for the course; 
  • received a mark or a withdrawal (W) at OSU for the course;
  • received a failing (E) grade for the course. 

Students with questions or concerns about the SPAN 2202 EM test should contact Debra Ponce.

The Department administers the SPAN 2202 EM Exam at the beginning of the AU and SP semesters. Specifically, the exam is available from the first official day of classes in Week 1 through 11:59 pm on Tuesday of Week 2.

The SPAN 2202 EM test will be administered remotely through Carmen and proctored through Honorlock, OSU's remote proctoring service. 

The SPAN 2202 EM test include the following six (6) sections:

  • Listening comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Culture
  • Reading comprehension
  • Writing

The SPAN 2202 EM test is designed using Chapters 4-6 (Día a día, 2nd edition)

Required Materials

The exam is administered remotely. On the day of the exam a student must have…

  • a valid Buck ID (no driver’s license or passport)
  • access to high speed internet
  • access to a computer or laptop with webcam and installed Google Chrome
  • installed the Honorlock extension
    • Note: Honorlock only works with Google Chrome and does not work with iPads. If you only have iPad or do not have the proper equipment please contact Debra Ponce to see if there are other options available / make alternative arrangements.
  • agreed to the Academic Integrity Promise (this will be sent to you upon registering for the exam)
  • the receipt showing that the $70 fee has been paid

Note: Failure to bring a valid photo ID, writing utensils, headphones/earphones, and an acceptable form of payment to the testing session results in automatic dismissal, and the student will be required to reschedule. 

Prohibited Materials

On the day of the exam, a student may not use any external resources which include but are not limited to...

  • (online) dictionaries/translators
  • books
  • notes
  • cellphones
  • laptops
  • tablets
  • smart watches
  • search engines
  • online forums
  • other people
  • scratchpaper (a Whiteboard feature will be provided during the exam that can be used as scratchpaper)

These items are strictly prohibited during all testing sessions. Any suspicion of Academic Misconduct will be reported to the university's Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) for further investigation. 

Registration for the Spanish 2202 EM Exam

A student who wishes to take a Spanish EM test must:

  • Register by filling out the Registration Form
    • Select a date/time to take the exam that works for their schedule that is also within the official SPPO EM testing session time frame.
  • Submit the form by the testing schedule established deadline.  
    • A student is eligible to register only for the level in which they are currently placed. A student is not officially registered for an EM test until they receive a confirmation/denial from the EM Testing coordinator(s). An EM test registration response will arrive only to OSU email accounts. 
    • Registration forms requesting testing dates outside of the official testing sessions will not be considered. 
  • Plan to have the appropriate equipment for online testing. Please see the "Exam Day Materials" section.
    • Once officially registered, the date/time indicated on the form will be confirmed and the student will get access to take the exam through Carmen during the stated window. It is critical to take the exam within that window, as the exam will not be reopened once the window is closed without presented official excuse documentation.

Pay your EM Test Fee
After you have successfully registered and received confirmation for the SPAN 2202 EM, you will be directed to pay the exam fee. The administration fee is $70 per test, only via credit/debit cards

Please retain your receipt as evidence of payment. Students are required to complete payment prior to the exam session, or will not be permitted to sit for that session and will register for a later exam date, with no exceptions. 

A score of 80% or higher is required to earn EM credit for SPAN 2202. 

  • Students will be informed of the results promptly to their OSU email account. 
  • Students should forward the email from the testing coordinator(s) to their Academic Advisor for permission to enroll in subsequent courses pending Registrar's posting. 
  • Earned EM credit will be approved by the student's College and then submitted to the Office of the Registrar for official posting to a student's transcript. The official posting process currently takes 4-6 weeks. 

OPIc for Graduating Spanish/Portuguese Majors

Our Department will offer graduating majors the opportunity to take the OPIc to measure their level of proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese (one time, $73 value). 

The ACTFL OPIc is an internet-delivered test that provides valid and reliable oral proficiency testing on a large scale. It obtains a sample of speech which a rater can evaluate and compare to the performance against the proficiency levels described in ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 – Speaking. The results of this exam can be used in a variety of professional and educational fields. For complete information about the OPIc, please the official ACTFL Speaking Assessment: The Oral Proficiency Interview - computer® (OPIc) page for FAQs. 

Here are some general reminders about the exam:

  • The exam will be given in 90 minute windows.
  • You will be provided with a computer and headset.
  • There will be a brief Qualtrics survey before starting the exam.
  • The exam will begin with a brief questionnaire followed by 15 prompts.
    • You will have 2 minutes per prompt 
    • The more speech the better, so fill up as much of that time as you can
  • The result of the exam takes about two weeks to come in, after which you will be emailed the certificate 

For questions, contact spanport@osu.edu 

A student is eligible for registration if they are a Spanish/Portuguese major and are graduating in the current semester. 

Once you have submitted the webform linked below, a confirmation page will appear. This is where you will gain access to the Bookings link to schedule a time to take the exam. The exam will be administered in 298D and proctored by the office associate. 

Register for the OPIc