February 28, 2020
Hagerty Hall Room 056
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2020-02-28 15:20:00
2020-02-28 17:00:00
"The Sensorial Regime of 'Second Slavery': Landscape of Enslavement in the Paraíba Valley (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)" with Dr. Rui Gomes Coelho (University of Lisbon/Brown University)
The Department of Spanish & Portuguese Literatures and Cultures Colloquium incorporates talks by invited scholars to provide the opportunity for professors and graduate students to reflect on and discuss our diverse fields of specialization and the current work being done in them.
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Rui Gomes Coelho (University of Lisbon/Brown University) for a discussion "The Sensorial Regime of 'Second Slavery': Landscape of Enslavement in the Paraíba Valley (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)". For additional information, please view the flyer below.
Dr. Rui Gomes Coelho Event Flyer (opens in a new window)2.95 MB
Hagerty Hall Room 056
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2020-02-28 14:20:00
2020-02-28 16:00:00
"The Sensorial Regime of 'Second Slavery': Landscape of Enslavement in the Paraíba Valley (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)" with Dr. Rui Gomes Coelho (University of Lisbon/Brown University)
The Department of Spanish & Portuguese Literatures and Cultures Colloquium incorporates talks by invited scholars to provide the opportunity for professors and graduate students to reflect on and discuss our diverse fields of specialization and the current work being done in them.
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Rui Gomes Coelho (University of Lisbon/Brown University) for a discussion "The Sensorial Regime of 'Second Slavery': Landscape of Enslavement in the Paraíba Valley (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)". For additional information, please view the flyer below.
Hagerty Hall Room 056
The Department of Spanish & Portuguese Literatures and Cultures Colloquium incorporates talks by invited scholars to provide the opportunity for professors and graduate students to reflect on and discuss our diverse fields of specialization and the current work being done in them.
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Rui Gomes Coelho (University of Lisbon/Brown University) for a discussion "The Sensorial Regime of 'Second Slavery': Landscape of Enslavement in the Paraíba Valley (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)". For additional information, please view the flyer below.