This form is used to evaluate the following graduate LEARNING GOALS #2, 3, 4:
Use of Rubric The rubric will be used by advisors during two written evaluation events in the Integrated M.A./Ph.D. Program for Spanish and Portuguese: the Research/M.A. paper at the end of the second year and the dissertation.
Please fill out the following fields and use the rubric below to evaluate the student.
Explanation of Ranking:Exceeds Expectations: Student goes above and beyond normal expectations of graduate work (e.g. has a clear and advanced understanding of the current state of knowledge and implications for future research).Meets Expectations: Student meets the requirements. (e.g. organized, understands concepts, progressing at expected rate)Meets Some Expectations: Student has fulfilled some of the requirements but progressing at a less than adequate or expected rate (e.g. understands expectations but has not demonstrated conceptual understanding at the anticipated level).Does Not Meet Expectations: Student does not grasp requirements or expectations of graduate work and is performing at an inadequate level (e.g. data collection and analyses are not properly performed)Not Applicable: In this specific circumstance, not applicable to the student. Explain in final comments or an attached document.
If you have any questions, please contact Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza.