February 22nd Special Event: TEDxOSU Talk, Featuring SPPO Associate Professor Dr. Anna Babel

January 31, 2020

February 22nd Special Event: TEDxOSU Talk, Featuring SPPO Associate Professor Dr. Anna Babel

Anna Babel Profile Picture for TEDxOSU Talk

Who counts as a speaker of a language? Have you ever thought about what it means to speak a language? As it turns out, the answer to this question is complex and deeply intertwined with the question of who we are - and how are seen - as human beings.

On February 22, 2020 SPPO Associate Professor Dr. Anna Babel will be giving a TEDxOSU talk, "Who counts as a native speaker of a language?" at the TEDxOSU Magnify event.

For more information about the TEDxOSU Magnify event, please check out the TEDxOhioStateU Facebook page!

To get tickets, please visit: https://my.wexarts.org/1744/1745