Incoming SPPO PhD Student, Marcia Macedo, Reaches 100K Subscribers on her YouTube Channel, "Português com Marcia Macedo"

August 5, 2020

Incoming SPPO PhD Student, Marcia Macedo, Reaches 100K Subscribers on her YouTube Channel, "Português com Marcia Macedo"

Marcia Macedo

Incoming SPPO PhD student, Marcia Macedo, is a well-known online Portuguese instructor. She has a YouTube channel, Português com Marcia Macedo, with over 300 educational videos on Portuguese vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and culture. Many of her videos have hundreds of thousands of views and she's recently hit an exciting new milestone - she's reached 100,000 subscribers on her channel! To check out Marcia's YouTube channel, please click here.

Congratulations on this wonderful accomplishment, Marcia!