Spanish Class for Heritage Speakers

March 6, 2014

Spanish Class for Heritage Speakers


In the Autumn Semester of 2014, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will continue to offer its new popular course: Spanish 3413 Spanish for Heritage Speakers.  This type of course is trending across universities in the United States. Departments are recognizing the need to provide an appropriate context for learners with this particular skill set.
According to Professor Anna Babel, chair of the Department Outreach Committee, a heritage speaker can be defined as “anyone who has learned a language outside of a classroom setting, typically in the home”. With dramatic Latino/a population increases over the last two decades in Central Ohio, Spanish language teachers very frequently have heritage speakers in their classrooms.
Typical language classrooms often do not address the specific pedagogical needs of these learners. “Heritage students often hide in a language course, or have false confidence in their abilities” states Dr. Elena Foulis, lead instructor of the course. “(In Spanish 3413) students feel safe and can help each other out.  They talk about relevant issues to their identity, culture, and the way they learn the language”.
The course has become received quite favorable reviews in a short time at Ohio State.  It is open to all who are interested in learning Spanish as a heritage language and is not limited to students intending to major or minor. The group organizing the initiative hopes that with increasing interest that the course can grow into a track of classes to better serve this growing population on our campus.