SPPO in the News

Earlier this week, LASER (Latino & Latin American Space for Enrichment and Research) was honored at the Columbus City Council meeting. The recognition came from councilmember Pricilla R. Tyson with regard to LASER’s work in building an inclusive community. For more details, visit the press release of the meeting highlights.
Additionally, our own Terrell Morgan was named winner of the 2014 Friend of FLAVA (Foreign Language Association of Virginia) award. He will be recognized at a luncheon on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at the Foreign Language Association of Virginia's annual conference in Williamsburg, VA. Sue Robertson, FLAVA Recognition & Awards Chair, mentioned, “His accomplishments and service to his home state in the field of language study is amazing! We are so proud of him”.
Congratulations Dr. Morgan, as well as Dr. Aldama and everyone who puts in hard work at LASER!