Catalina Iannone

Catalina Iannone

Catalina Iannone

Assistant Professor

262 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Rd S
Columbus, OH 43210

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Office Hours

Tuesdays 1-2 PM

Areas of Expertise

  • Contemporary Iberian Studies
  • Urban Studies
  • Studies of Race and Migration


  • Ph.D., Iberian and Latin American Literatures and Cultures, The University of Texas at Austin, 2018
  • M.A., Spanish Language and Literature, New York University in Madrid, 2011
  • B.A., Spanish Language and Literature, New York University, 2010

Catalina Iannone’s research and teaching are grounded in comparative literary and cultural studies, with an emphasis on race, urban space, and visual culture on the Iberian Peninsula. She has published articles on these topics in Hispania, The Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, and the Journal of Lusophone Studies and her book Cities Beyond Crisis: Race, Affect, and Urban Culture in 21st Century Iberia is forthcoming with Vanderbilt University Press. Building on this research, Dr. Iannone is also developing an online platform titled “The Atlas of Resistance,” which will explore the evolution of Lavapiés since the turn of the 21st century through a display of geolocated cultural artifacts and quantitative data.

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