Pedro Schacht Pereira

Pedro Schacht Pereira

Pedro Schacht Pereira

Associate Professor Portuguese and Iberian Studies

(614) 247-0018

231 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Luso-Brazilian and Lusophone African Studies
  • Iberian Studies
  • Cultures of the Afro-European Diaspora


  • Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Chicago, 2005-07
  • Ph.D., Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Brown University, 2006
  • Licenciatura in Philosophy, The University of Coimbra, 1993

Pedro Schacht Pereira was born in Porto, Portugal. He holds a licenciatura in Philosophy from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and a PhD in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies from Brown University. Prof. Pereira teaches a variety of courses on Portuguese, Brazilian and Lusophone African themes, with an emphasis on the formation of imperial discourses and their legacies in contemporary postcolonial cultures, Portuguese and Brazilian fiction from the 19th- to the 21st-centuries, and literary and cultural relations between the Portuguese and the Spanish-speaking worlds.

Prof. Pereira's first book, entitled Filósofos de trazer por casa: cenários da apropriação da filosofia em Almeida Garrett, Eça de Queirós e Machado de Assis, was published by Coimbra University Press [Portugal] and Annablume [São Paulo, Brazil]. He is currently working on a new book on the formation and periodical ressurgence of discourses of exceptionalist Portuguese colonialism, such as lusotropicalism, in Portuguese-speaking literatures and cultures. Prof. Pereira is also working on a study about the African sublime in 19th Century Portuguese writer Eça de Queirós, and another one on the musical culture of the African diaspora in Portugal.

Since arriving at OSU Prof. Pereira has directed the LusoGlobe working group and co-directed the Iberian Studies Working Group of the Humanities Institute. He has also fostered a long-term relationship with Portugal’s Luso-American Foundation (FLAD) and the Instituto Camões, and is currently Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Latest Publications


  • 2014 Filósofos de Trazer por Casa: Cenários da Apropriação da Filosofia em Almeida Garrett, Eça de Queirós e Machado de Assis. São Paulo: Annablume.
  • 2013 Filósofos de Trazer por Casa: Cenários da Apropriação da Filosofia em Almeida Garrett, Eça de Queirós e Machado de Assis. University of Coimbra Press [Coimbra, Portugal].


  • 2016 “Eça de Queirós e o sublime africano.” Queirosiana 25. Forthcoming, December.
  • 2013 b. “An East, east of the East’: Eça de Queirós, Fernando Pessoa’s Álvaro de Campos and the Scope of Portuguese Orientalism.” Ellipsis11. 2013. 13-41
  • 2012 “Uma ideia de Garrett: O douto livro das Viagens na Minha Terra.” Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies 21-22. 259-268

Book Chapters

  • a. “Remembering Africa.” Africa in Portuguese, the Portuguese in Africa. Reappraisals. Volume co-edited with Isabel Ferreira Gould. (Under submission to University of Minesotta Press)
  • b. “Hegel, Humane Colonialism, and the Genealogies of Portuguese Exceptionalism.” Forthcoming in Transatlantic Studies Reader: Latin America, Iberia and Africa. Under submission to Duke University Press.
  • c. “Portuguese and the Emergence of Iberian Studies.” Forthcoming in Beyond Tordesillas. Critical Essays in Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies. Robert P. Newcomb and Richard Gordon, eds. The Ohio State University Press. Spring 2017. 4-23

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