Jill K Welch

Jill K Welch

Jill K Welch

Associated Faculty Emerita - Senior Lecturer


(614) 292-8620

279 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Composition
  • Second-Language Acquisition
  • Materials Development


  • Ph.D., Foreign and Second Language Acquisition, The Ohio State University
  • M.A., Spanish, University of Maine at Orono
  • B.A., Spanish and English, Alma College

Tutoring & Translating Services

  • Spanish beginner to advanced tutoring


Jill K. Welch teaches Advanced Composition, Honors Advanced Spanish Grammar/Advanced Grammar, and Honors Intermediate Spanish Composition/Advanced Composition. She also coordinates the intermediate composition course and continues to develop the service-learning portion of the honors section of that course, which serves Spanish-speaking ESL students at a local elementary school in Columbus. Dr. Welch has authored a Spanish composition textbook, a high school Spanish textbook, and has been a contributing author to several other high school textbooks. She also serves on the Advisory Board for the Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing at The Ohio State University.

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