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SPPO Associated Faculty Award for Excellence in Second Language Teaching & Learning

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Please submit all materials by Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:59 PM.

Award Overview

The Department of Spanish & Portuguese (SPPO) seeks to recognize outstanding commitment to Second Language Teaching and Learning by one full-time Associated Faculty member of Spanish and/or Portuguese during the AY 2023-2024. The award recognizes not only an exceptional commitment to implementing nationally-established best practices and/or implementing innovative practices in the field of second language teaching and learning, but also ongoing efforts to actively participate in professional development opportunities in fields related to teaching and learning (such as university-level coursework and/or professional conferences related to Second Language Acquisition, technology in the classroom, online language teaching, classroom management, active learning strategies, and more). The award carries a one-time monetary stipend as  well as public recognition at SPPO’s Annual Graduation and Awards Ceremony and on the SPPO departmental website. Pertinent details regarding eligibility requirements, the selection process and criteria, and deadlines are available below. 


An Associated Faculty member in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the Ohio State University is eligible for this award if they:

  • have a minimum of two full years of teaching experience in the department and 
  • maintained a 100% FTE throughout their appointment during AY 2023-2024 and
  • taught at the OSU Main Campus and
  • taught Catalan, Quechua, Portuguese and/or Spanish language courses.

An Associated Faculty member in SPPO is ineligible for this award if they…

  • have won the award within the past 3 years and / or
  • dropped below a 100% FTE during the AY 2023-2024.
Selection Committee and Selection Process

The Selection Committee consists of 3-4 voting members: the Director of the Language Program, the Associate Director of the Language Program, the Assistant Director of the Language Program, and/or the faculty chair of the Awards Committee. 

During the spring semester, the Selection Committee will organize a call for all eligible Associated Faculty members to submit an application consisting of at least five (5) components (see below). Associated Faculty can nominate themselves or nominate another Associated Faculty member. Third-party nominations will be accepted only until Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 11:59 PM to allow the candidate to be notified and assemble the application materials in a timely fashion. 

Brief Statement

In 1-2 paragraphs, describe the pedagogical practices and perspectives that you apply in the second language classroom and that make you an excellent instructor.

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SEI Data & Comments

The SEI data and student comments for all courses taught in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese during the two semesters prior to the award application (i.e., SP23 and AU23 for the AY 2023-2024 award.)

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Class Observation(s)

The most recent class observation (or observations, if more than one was completed) signed and dated by both the observer and instructor.

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Evidence of commitment to professional development, including…

a. a comprehensive list of all professional development opportunities in which the applicant has participated;

b. a list of all professional organizations and/or conferences related to teaching and learning in which the applicant is involved/has participated and/or is a member; and

c. a short statement (maximum of two (2) paragraphs) about “departmental citizenship” that describes collaboration in enhancing the teaching mission of the department.

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Projected Goals for Upcoming AY 2024-2025

The applicant should include two (2) concrete goals related to teaching and learning that they intend to pursue in the upcoming academic year.

Each goal should include the following information:

a. A brief description of the goal (e.g., “Read Troyan, F. J., Adair-Hauck, B., & Glisan, E. W. (2023). Integrated performance assessment: Twenty years and counting. Alexandria, VA: ACTFL.”).

b. A brief explanation of why the goal is beneficial to world language teaching and learning.

c. A timeline with the various steps needed to accomplish the goal (e.g., “I need to purchase the book./I need to check the book out from the library,” etc.).

d. A specific deadline by when each goal will be fully completed (e.g., “By April 30, 2025”).

e. A brief explanation of how the completion of each goal will be documented.

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Any additional document demonstrating commitment to professional development and/or teaching excellence.

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