Catalan Video Conference

On Thursday, one of our Catalan classes worked with Catalan students via videoconference in Calafell, Tarragona Province, Spain. The OSU students put some of their language skills to the test and have compared features of Columbus and Ohio to those of their Catalan counterparts.
This experience has been possible thanks to the Consorci de Normalització Lingüística (CNL), an organization devoted to teaching the language mainly to newcomers and people from Catalonia who want to improve their skills.
The instructor, Ernest Carranza Castelo, says about the opportunity, "It has been really stimulating to learn how genuine is the interest of people on both sides of the Atlantic to learn Catalan language and culture, despite having different reasons for studying it. Definitely, it has been an initiative worth trying again in the future!"
(Thanks also to Laura Navarro Morón for making the contact with Tarragona possible.)