OSU Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics Symposium


Word cloud in English, Spanish, and Portuguese of words related to language and linguistics



The 28th Annual Ohio State University Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (OSUCHiLL)

OSUCHiLL is one of the premier graduate student conferences on Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics hosted in the US. The conference, organized entirely by graduate students in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at The Ohio State University, aims to bring together a wide variety of scholars working within distinct disciplines and on many different aspects of Spanish, Portuguese, Quechua, or any other indigenous language.  

Dates: March 21st - 22nd, 2025

For this conference, we welcome papers in English, Spanish, or Portuguese dealing with any aspect of linguistics in the Hispanic or Lusophone world, including but not limited to: sociolinguistics, language contact, language policy, language and education, creole and indigenous languages, psycholinguistics, historical linguistics, phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics. Spanish, Portuguese, and English can be used during talks. Speakers will be given 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion questions. 

The organizers of OSUCHiLL are excited to welcome as keynote speakers: 
Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Mary E. Beaton

Dr. Mary E. Beaton

Dr. Mary E. Beaton is a linguist who graduated from our department in 2015. She researches the interactions between social categories and phonetics. Her work focuses mainly on Spanish in the United States, including Puerto Rico. She is currently studying the Spanish spoken by Puerto Rican communities in Lorain, Ohio. She teaches courses at Denison across the Spanish curriculum from beginning language to advanced courses focusing on linguistic analysis.

Dr. Ana María Carvalho

Dr. Ana María Carvalho

Dr. Ana María Carvalho focuses on Portuguese and Spanish Linguistics, and specifically on language contact, bilingualism, and sociolinguistics. Some of her most important works analyze the contact between Spanish and Portuguese in the borders between Brazil and Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina and Uruguay. At OSUChiLL she will be presenting her documentary “Vozes das margens” which portrays speakers of Portuguese in the northern part of Uruguay.


Dr. Chad Howe

Dr. Chad Howe

Dr. Chad Howe graduated from our department in 2006. His research focuses on language variation and change in Romance Languages. Essentially, he investigates the causes for structural changes in language or how language evolves. Additionally, he researches topics related to the language contact between Spanish and Quechua in South America.



2025 Schedule & Information



Registration information will be available in January.
Upon acceptance, presenters will be asked to register for the conference. 


Contact information: osuchill@osu.edu

Josmary Medina Heredia (medinaheredia.1@osu.edu)

Laura Trenta (trenta.9@osu.edu)

Victoria Cataloni (cataloni.1@osu.edu)

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