The Spanish - Neuroscience Double Major at Ohio State combines two strong programs, one in the Humanities (Spanish) and the other in Social & Behavioral Sciences, to prepare the best candidates for a variety of career opportunities, or for competitive programs at the graduate and professional level. During completion of the undergraduate Spanish Major and Neuroscience required coursework, OSU students will develop substantial language proficiency and knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures through campus-based coursework, immersion abroad experience, and local community involvement.
Professions / Advanced Degree Opportunities: The Neuroscience Department offers an excellent list of career opportunities available at the Bachelor's, Master's,
and Doctoral levels for students with degrees in Neuroscience and Spanish.
Neuroscience, Social & Behavioral Sciences B.S.: 36 cr hrs
Spanish, Humanities B.A.: 33 cr hrs
4 Year Pathway: Neuroscience (PreMed Track) & Spanish with Summer Term Study Abroad
The following 4-yr pathway is just one example of how students may successfully achieve the double major. This pathway is designed based on:
1) The addition of summer study abroad after completion of Spanish 3450;
2) AP/IB/CCP/CLEP GE level credit for 1st year Writing, Math, Spanish (thru 2202), Social Science, Cultures & Ideas, and History;
3) Overlap from the Spanish Major into the GE sections for Literature and Visual & Performing Arts (others may be eligible for overlap into the GE courses sections)
Each student’s four-year plan will vary depending upon AP/IB/CCP/CLEP GE level credit, summer classes, study abroad plans, etc.
* Denotes pre-med courses
Fall 1 (17 Credits)
- Psych 3313
- Chem 1210*
- Bio 1113*
- College Survey 1100
- Neuro 1100(H)
Spring 1 (17 credits)
- Neuro 3000
- Spanish 3403
- Bio 1114*
- Chem 1220*
(Optional, but could lighten load in subsequent terms)
- Complete Spanish 3450 4W1
- Complete Spanish 3404 Online
The following 4-yr pathway is just one example of how students may successfully achieve the double major. This pathway is designed based on:
1) The addition of summer study abroad after completion of Spanish 3450;
2) AP/IB/CCP/CLEP GE level credit for 1st year Writing, Math, Spanish (thru 2202), Social Science, Cultures & Ideas, and History;
3) Overlap from the Spanish Major into the GE sections for Literature and Visual & Performing Arts (others may be eligible for overlap into the GE courses sections)
Each student’s four-year plan will vary depending upon AP/IB/CCP/CLEP GE level credit, summer classes, study abroad plans, etc.
* Denotes pre-med courses
Fall 2 (18 credits)
- Chem 2510*
- Physics 1200*
- Psych 3513
- Spanish 3401 and 3404
Spring 2 (17 credits)
- Neuro 3050
- Chemistry 2540*
- Physics 1201*
- Chemistry 2520*
- Spanish 3450
Summer 2 (15 credits)
- Study abroad + Service Learning (~8-9 weeks Latin America: Chile or Peru)
- 2 Spanish 4000-level: Concentration / Overlap one into VPA (i.e. 4580 or 4581)
- Service Learning: Spanish 5797: Elective
The following 4-yr pathway is just one example of how students may successfully achieve the double major. This pathway is designed based on:
1) The addition of summer study abroad after completion of Spanish 3450;
2) AP/IB/CCP/CLEP GE level credit for 1st year Writing, Math, Spanish (thru 2202), Social Science, Cultures & Ideas, and History;
3) Overlap from the Spanish Major into the GE sections for Literature and Visual & Performing Arts (others may be eligible for overlap into the GE courses sections)
Each student’s four-year plan will vary depending upon AP/IB/CCP/CLEP GE level credit, summer classes, study abroad plans, etc.
* Denotes pre-med courses
Fall 3 (16 credits)
- Data Analysis
- Biochem 4511*
- Chem 2550*
- Spanish: Diversification
Spring 3 (14 credits)
- Specialization/Breadth
- Specialization/Breadth
- Spanish: Diversification
- GE: Second Writing Course
The following 4-yr pathway is just one example of how students may successfully achieve the double major. This pathway is designed based on:
1) The addition of summer study abroad after completion of Spanish 3450;
2) AP/IB/CCP/CLEP GE level credit for 1st year Writing, Math, Spanish (thru 2202), Social Science, Cultures & Ideas, and History;
3) Overlap from the Spanish Major into the GE sections for Literature and Visual & Performing Arts (others may be eligible for overlap into the GE courses sections)
Each student’s four-year plan will vary depending upon AP/IB/CCP/CLEP GE level credit, summer classes, study abroad plans, etc.
* Denotes pre-med courses
Fall 4 (15 credits)
- Specialization/Breadth
- Specialization/Breadth
- Spanish: Concentration or Seminar
- GE Open Option (if needed)
- GE Open Option (if needed)
Spring 4 (14 credits)
- Specialization/Breadth
- Specialization/Breadth
- Anatomy*
- Spanish Concentration or Seminar
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The program is tightly organized to allow students to move through both their Neuroscience and Spanish courses in timely fashion. Note that the designed plans do assume some previously earned IB, AP, CCP or CLEP credit. If you are an incoming student who has achieved credit through the IB, AP, CCP or CLEP, you will be able to move more quickly through the GE courses and the Spanish major.
We do recommend that students plan carefully and discuss their course of study with their advisors on a regular basis.
- Students who enter the BS in Neuroscience and Spanish and follow the 4-year pathway can complete the degree within that time frame.
- Students who switch majors while at Ohio State will be able to do so; however, it should be noted that the longer a student waits to switch majors, the more time it may take to complete the degree.
- Students who transfer to Ohio State from another institution will need to work closely with advisers to structure their course of study as efficiently as possible.
Under current major programming and GE course set, students wishing to the complete a Neuroscience and Spanish double major pathway should complete the GE course requirements for the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
With the inauguration of the new GE course set in AU22, all students will complete the same GE course set across the university -- there will be no distinction between the requirements for students pursuing BS or BA degrees.
Yes! Absolutely.
We want future medical professionals to have the highest level of proficiency in Spanish and the greatest level of cultural competency as possible. Studying abroad is the best guarantee for acquiring these necessary skills. Students double majoring in Neuroscience and Spanish will have the opportunity to study abroad for approximately 8 to 10 weeks the summer after their freshman or sophomore year, depending on their Spanish level and study abroad program -- be sure to work with your academic advisor closely to adjust your academic pathway accordingly.
The Spanish major requires students to complete an Immersion component by either completing a pre-approved study abroad program at the 3000+ level or SPAN 5689S (Spanish in Ohio). Indeed, many students do both because they offer different experiential opportunities to understand Spanish speaking communities –one at “home” in Columbus; and one abroad. SPAN 5689S provides a wonderful chance to learn from and collaborate with the Latinx community here in Columbus and to understand more about the historical trajectory and current situation of Latinx/Hispanic populations in the state of Ohio.
As pre-Med students are completing their academic plan, extracurricular opportunities to expand their academic and professional portfolio, and studying for the MCAT, the course plan is tightly organized. We recommend that students speak with their advisor as soon as possible to identify study abroad programming options that complement their individual course of study and professional plan.