La casa en Mango Street: Reading Exercise Results

In your recall protocol, it is important that you write the main idea along with the most significant details that you understood. You can write in a narrative style (Option #1) or each idea on a separate line (Option #2). Your score will be determmined by the number of ideas that you understood accurately (see scoring list below).

Option #1 La casa en Mango Street

red houseThe narrator, who now lives on Mango Street with her parents and three siblings, didn’t always live there because her family always moved around a lot. The house that they live in on Mango Street is their own, and they don’t have to pay rent to anyone or worry about making noise, but it’s not the house they thought they would get. The house where they used to live on Loomis Street had a leak in the water pipes that the landlord wouldn’t fix, so they had to move very fast and ended up at the house on Mango Street on the other side of town. Her parents always told the kids that one day they would move into a real house, with running water, real stairs, a basement, and three bathrooms so they wouldn’t have to share. The house their parents dreamed of would be white with trees around it, with a large yard and a fence. But the house on Mango Street is small and red, with tight steps and small windows, crumbling bricks, a broken front door, and no front yard. In this house everyone shares the same bedroom, and in the back there is a garage (even though they don’t own a car); the stairs aren’t real stairs, only ordinary hallway stairs. When they lived on Loomis Street they lived above a boarded up Laundromat, and when asked to point out where she lived, the narrator felt like nothing, and that is how she knew that they had to have a real house that she could point to, but the house on Mango Street isn’t it.

Option #2

  1. The narrator, who now lives on Mango Street with her parents and three siblings, didn’t always live there because her family always moved around a lot.

  2. The house that they live in on Mango Street is their own, and they don’t have to pay rent to anyone or worry about making noise, but it’s not the house they thought they would get.

  3. The house where they used to live on Loomis Street had a leak in the water pipes that the landlord wouldn’t fix, so they had to move and ended up at the house on Mango Street on the other side of town.

  4. Her parents always told the kids that one day they would move into a real house, with running water, real stairs, a basement, and three bathrooms.

  5. The house their parents dreamed of would be white with trees around it, with a large yard and a fence.

  6. But the house on Mango Street is small and red, with tight steps and small windows, crumbling bricks, a broken front door, and no front yard.

  7. In this house everyone shares the same bedroom, and in the back there is a garage (even though they don’t own a car); the stairs aren’t real stairs, only ordinary hallway stairs.

  8. When they lived on Loomis Street they lived above a boarded up Laundromat, and when asked to point out where she lived, the narrator felt like nothing, and that is how she knew that they had to have a real house that she could point to, but the house on Mango Street isn’t it.


This reading requires eight (8) main ideas. Based on the number of correct statements, the results are:

  • Eight ideas: 100% 
  • Seven ideas: 88%
  • Six ideas: 75%
  • Five ideas: 63%
  • Four ideas: 50%
  • Three ideas: 38%
  • Two ideas: 25%
  • One idea: 13% 
  • None: 0%