Sociolinguistics Lab- Hagerty Hall 235
The sociolinguistics lab is a space dedicated to the use of graduate students and faculty engaged in sociolinguistic research. The lab contains three computer workstations and a variety of audio and video recording equipment, as well as software and other equipment, such as transcription pedals and a response box. Graduate students and faculty may use the equipment on-site or check it out from the Lab Manager to take to the field. The lab space may also be utilized for meetings and interviews.
- Lab Manager: Lauren Miranda
- Faculty Sponsor: Anna Babel
Featured Highlight
Lauren Miranda is a Ph.D. candidate in Hispanic Linguistics. As a researcher, she seeks to promote equity in education through the design and implementation of antiracist pedagogies in Spanish as a Heritage Language classrooms. Heritage Learners of Spanish are students who grew up hearing or speaking Spanish at home or in their communities and are bilingual to various degrees. Lauren’s work illuminates how Heritage Learners of Spanish negotiate race through language and deepens our understanding of how racialized identities are constructed on the basis of perceived linguistic features. Lauren's current projects explore the visibility of Afro-Latinidad in Spanish as a Heritage Language curricula using a Critical Race Theory Framework and learner motivation and investment in Haitian Creole classrooms. She has also recently worked on projects examining translanguaging and multiliteracies as social justice-oriented pedagogies in language classrooms. Lauren’s dissertation will draw on data from a year-long ethnographic study of high school Spanish as a Heritage Language classrooms. Her project focuses on Heritage student and teacher ideologies around Blackness in the Latine community and will also evaluate antiracist curriculum designed for Heritage Learners of Spanish.